Much gnashing of teeth over Arlen Specter leaving the Republican Party. I for one am glad to see him go. Read my latest article “The Specter of Arlen” at the New Media Journal.
Conservatism, Constitution, Corruption, Culture, Democrats, election, Obama, Politics, Republicans, RINOs
Mr. Gleason’s statement made me laugh, because it was so inappropriate as to be ridiculous!
“I am deeply disappointed in Senator Arlen Specter’s decision to leave the Republican Party, as he has benefited from the support of our Party for many years. It is apparent that he chose to act in his own self-interest and put his political ambitions first. The Republican Party has room for conservatives and moderates because we are the Party of ideas.â€
But he has only BENEFITED from the Party; has the Party gotten more support because of HIM?
I like how you revisited the “specter” pun by concluding with the catchy sentence, “Now that would be a vision to behold.” 🙂
Thanks Christopher!