(Hat tip to Gregg Jackson for this video link)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9d38EoQ9pgToday was Tax Day and National Tea Party Day. Anyone know what this Friday is? I’ll let the video producer tell you:
The “Day of Silence”, sponsored by the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) will take place Friday, April 17th in schools across the nation. Participating teachers and students are told to remain silent during class time to protest discrimination and bullying felt by students who believe they are gay and/or transgender.
It is our firm opinion that these claims of discrimination, intolerance and bullying (aimed at people of faith who believe God’s Word that homosexuality is sin) are diverting attention away from GLSEN’s main purpose which has been and continues to be the normalization of homosexuality among impressionable youth.
This 6 minute video, made by a Bible believing church here in Illinois, exposes how our children are being indoctrinated, held captive and forced to accept an unproven and dangerous ideology while Biblical Truth is undermined.
Please pass this far and wide and call your local school board on Thursday to see if this indoctrination is being conducted at your local schools. If it is find out which board members support it and let them know that beginning tomorrow you are starting a campaign to remove them from office or at least see them defeated in the next election. Do not allow your school board to get away with this!
Christian Activism, Christianity, Communism, Conservatism, Constitution, Culture, History, Morality
It is remarkable how far gone our heritage is; most people I encounter consider themselves “very spiritual” people but do not go to church, and they take no offense at Christianity as long as they can do whatever they want to do (which shows that they don’t understand Christianity). In the same way, homosexuality is considered a matter of choice, but even though “tolerance” and “open-mindedness” are being ingrained into more and more people, I notice that even those who try so hard to be “tolerant” can’t help but laugh about how weird a lot of homosexuals’ behavior is. The problem is that typical argument: “Not EVERY homosexual is weird, so homosexuality must not be such a bad thing, and the scientists are reporting that it is genetically based . . .”. It’s like the argument about “Not EVERYONE who sees this movie or listens to this band’s songs becomes a murderer.” It seems Satan has been working for 200 years to destroy our country, beginning with Unitarianism around the Revolutionary War, then slavery, Theosophy, the paganization of Freemasonry, Transcendentalism, Darwin, Marxism of all stripes, and ultimately the destruction of the very basis of society (the family). I don’t know why God has not judged us more severely already for all those millions of lives lost to abortions. But I pray He will show all of His children the way we must change society. And I pray He will open Americans’ eyes to see that homosexuality is SELF-DESTRUCTIVE, and that doing nothing about it because it doesn’t seem to affect us will bring on God’s judgment.