Timothy Geithner became the nation’s 75th Treasury Secretary with the Senate’s confirmation vote of 60 yeas to 34 nays. There were some surprise votes and not so surprising votes. Voting against Geithner’s nomination was West Virginia Democrat Senator Robert Byrd who said, “Had he not been nominated for treasury secretary, it’s doubtful that he would have ever paid these taxes.”
Is not that just the height of hypocrisy? Whatever happened to the Obamanation’s commitment to rid government of corruption?
Before you say, “wait a minute, Mr. Geithner is not corrupt, he just made a mistake.” More than once? And the same one continuously? Mr. Geithner provided written acknowledgement of his obligation to pay his self-employment taxes, and yet he failed to do so four years straight from 2001 to 2004. And the height of irony is that Geithner had filed a request for, and received, a payment for half the taxes owed.
Mr. Geithner is trusted by many in the banking community and this is why he is the Treasury Secretary. Regardless his qualifications, his stupidity and/or dishonesty would disqualify him from running a local bank much less the Treasury Department.
Nevertheless sixty senators, ten of them Republicans, decided to overlook this “honest mistake” and voted to confirm Mr. Geithner. Does anyone doubt for one second what the outcome of a Bush treasury nominee might have been?
I didn’t think so. Here is the list of the GOP moral mouses who voted for Geithner.
Robert Corker (TN)
John Cornyn (TX)
Larry Crapo (ID)
John Ensign (NV)
Lindsey Graham (SC)
Judd Gregg (NH)
Orrin Hatch (UT)
Richard Shelby (AL)
Olympia Snowe (ME)
George Voinovich (OH)
Be sure to drop these ten moral midgets a line letting them know this is the exact opposite of what conservatives expect from Republicans. Please be polite. We can disagree without being disagreeable.
Conservatism, Corruption, Democrats, Morality, Obama, Politics, Republicans, RINOs
Hi Dave. Doesn’t surprise me a bit anymore. I can’t even watch or bear to read the news anymore without feeling sick to my stomach and getting my blood boiling. Culture of corruption good grief. I can’t say much more- I’m thanking God for helping me keep my mouth shut lately for the most part 🙁 God Bless~ Carolyn
I’m still suffering from shock that Obama was elected (despite the obvious signs it was coming), and beyond that, that the American people haven’t fought harder for the Constitution when it comes to Obama’s birth certificate. I was most peeved when Wes Vernon, supposed to be conservative, scoffed at the birth certificate issue as a “rabbit trail” (or some synonymous metaphor). On the one hand, you have the people who are shills for the Democrats (which I believe includes Scott McClellan, who published that recent book that supposedly exposed the Bush administration, and he has good standing with MSNBC). The Democrat-supporting Hollywood “comedians” (name-callers, actually) and most of the news media disrespect Christianity and fighting for freedom. On the other hand, the conservative and often pseudo-conservative side, with a bit of our own news media (but not nearly as much as the Left), has almost become “lukewarm”, I feel (to use Revelation 3:15-16). There’s so much complaining and demagoguery and very little acknowledgement of our spiritual disease in America, probably to avoid offending some listener. If people retuned their hearts to God, repented, and thus found unity, we’d see a different America. And then there are the passionate libertarians whom I see have some merits (like shutting down the Federal Reserve and giving more control to local banks once again), but who are not good at substantiating their claims about America’s supposed crimes around the world, or about 9-11 being an inside job. I’ve gotta say, Dave, I appreciate you being salt and light 🙂 !
I’m going to write those 10 “moral midgets” even if I can’t really hold them accountable (since none of them is my own representative).