Here’s a cute cartoon:
Also, in the category of PC gone awry, the President of Florida Gulf Coast University “has banned all holiday decorations from common spaces on campus and canceled a popular greeting card design contest, which is being replaced by an ugly sweater competition.”
YEP! It would seem FGCU President Wilson Bradshaw has given in to political correctness. He stated in a memo “This is a challenging issue each year at FGCU, and 2008 is no exception. While it may appear at times that a vocal majority of opinion is the only view that is held, this is not always the case.”
Well President Bradshaw you are right about one thing; the vocal majority of opinion is not the only view that is held, but in a DEMOCRACY it is the view that is supposed to be honored.
I’ve never heard of FGCU and all my children have finished college, but if I was shopping for a college to send one of my children to, FGCU would be scratched off the list.
Hi Dave- FGCU is down here near Estero. It’s been around for about 6 years and is a big campus. I heard about this nonsense on the news tonight. One of those interviewed (don’t know if he was student or faculty) said something like, it’s too hard to display so many religious items because there are so many religious holidays. I talked back at the guy on the TV -Michael hates when I do that! 😉 But, I’m like, uh- excuse me, but first of all, it’s perfectly appropriate to display things concerning CHRIST at CHRISTmas time, and sencond, although I have no problem seeing other religious things on their holidays, this is a CHRISTian Country! Thirdly, this is a PUBLIC University- so it is NOT government sanctioned, and even if it were, that does not give the right to trample freedom OF (not from) religious expression and the freedom of speech~ Oh well, after that, of course the news went on to talk about the separation of church and state. Dave, I am only a highschool graduate- I get so tired of hearing and seeing such ignorance from those more educated and in higher station than me. I expect it now though, which is the sad thing. God Bless, and I like the cartoon. I signed the petition that Farah has going on WND.
PS- Dave, as I was reading the article in the News Press, I remembered that this is the same university, under a different president at that time, which, after September 11, banned US flags from being hung in class and dorm windows because they might have offended non American students!!! Seems like no matter the management, this University should be called FGPC instead of FGCU. God Bless!
Well I didn’t see this post, so I’ll remove the link I had.
That’s a good cartoon! 🙂 Certainly the artist had Indiana Jones in mind as well. The “no celebration of the holidays at Christmas” stipulation reminds me of how “Anno Domini” has been changed to “Common Era”, in an effort to phase out every part of our Christian heritage. Pretty soon, if the wicked get their way, the 7-day week will be abolished, which happened in the anti-Christ French Revolution, resulting in animals’ deaths because of the unnatural cycle.
I didn’t make the connection between phasing God out of public life and New Age until recently. This whole onslaught against Christianity is to prepare for a “New Age”, the Age of Aquarius. A great many people of influence are involved in New Age beliefs to some degree, often because of their involvement in the prestigious club of Freemasonry. These people try to change societies with the mass media and socialism so they can abolish Christianity with the power of the media and state, even though it is madness to want to do so. They’re so into astrology that they consider the goat on the Zodiac to be the Old Testament system, the adjacent fish to be the Christian age, and the adjacent water-bearer to be the upcoming “Aquarian Age”, in which pantheism, sensualism, and unrestrained sin reign. If you look at the associated traits, at Wikipedia’s article on Aquarius, they are the marks of the selfish postwar counterculture generation. And speaking of that, the Hippies called themselves “flower children” because they saw themselves as children of the universe, instead of God, believing they could set up the New Age of Aquarius. And that’s continued unabated to the present day.
I bet Nicholas Ray, the communist who made REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE, was heavily into astrology, because James Dean, on that wretched movie, displays every characteristic of an “Aquarian”. The philosophy of the youth: “We’re good people who care about each other, but we hate the old system and will do anything to overthrow it.”
Dave, as you will see in my forwarded e-mail, on One News Now they talk about a Germany family who seeks asylum in the US to be able to home school their children. Aside from the fact that German schools are still much better in educating their children as American schools are, I’ve been there, I’m not sure if it could be really considered seeking asylum. Even so I heard that some German judge equated home schooling with child abuse which is just totally insane. Yet coming over here with Obama being our next president, I’m not so sure if they got themselves from one bad situation to another possible future bad situation as well. Let’s all hope and pray that it will not be so.