Here’s a cute cartoon:

Also, in the category of PC gone awry, the President of Florida Gulf Coast University “has banned all holiday decorations from common spaces on campus and canceled a popular greeting card design contest, which is being replaced by an ugly sweater competition.”

YEP! It would seem FGCU President Wilson Bradshaw has given in to political correctness. He stated in a memo “This is a challenging issue each year at FGCU, and 2008 is no exception. While it may appear at times that a vocal majority of opinion is the only view that is held, this is not always the case.”

Well President Bradshaw you are right about one thing; the vocal majority of opinion is not the only view that is held, but in a DEMOCRACY it is the view that is supposed to be honored.

I’ve never heard of FGCU and all my children have finished college, but if I was shopping for a college to send one of my children to, FGCU would be scratched off the list.


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