I owe many of you an apology; close friends like Dino Minutillo and JB Williams tried to warn me about stupid Americans, but I had more faith in you America. I was wrong. My Country Tis’ of Thee, you need help. Consider it my mission to educate our country on Our American Christian Heritage, what brought about our American Revolution, and how the public educational system’s deliberate attempt to deny both of these historical facts have led to the dumbing down of America. Consider the video below as proof and the column below it by Neal Boortz as a beginning of Salt and Light School being in session.
Pay attention class; you’re not going to get this from Brian Williams, Katie Couric, or Charlie Gibson.
Check out the website “How Obama Got Elected.”
Now for how a lesson on how the free market elections work by Professor Neal Boortz (click picture)
Conservatism, election, Media, Obama, Politics, TheVanguard.Org
I read the article Dave, and agree. I may be a little uneducated about unions, all I remember about unions back home, is that people I knew who worked at a unionized company spent more time in the picket line than the assembly line. Ah well. I hope your School of America will do well and inform many people who have no clue. God Bless~ Carolyn
I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ll be doing in 2009, Dave. I sure hope you’re having an ever-growing impact. You have integrity that many so-called “conservative” spokespeople lack. That video really made me sick and sad at the same time. The people are just so immature to think it’s “exciting”, or “cool” to have a scandal or to talk about redistribution of wealth. I weep over the state of America and the spirit of anti-Christ that is so prevalent. The counterculture of the postwar generation, responsible for the decline in Christian leadership and the mentality that God is okay with everything, happened because socialism, and then communism, were impacting American institutions for decades. What’s scary to me is that the downward spiraling is happening faster and faster. The benefit I see in Obama being elected instead of McCain is that conservatives will not hesitate to fight the President because they do not feel the pressure to “keep the unity of the Republican Party”, which they’d have if a socialist Republican (oxymoron) like McCain were President.
By the way, speaking of unions and “revolt of the people”, consolidated labor movements are a dangerous thing. Aspiring dictators within labor organizations use rhetoric that dissatisfies workers and causes them to violently rebel against the entire government. In fact, when Karl Marx initiated revolutions in France during the 1800s, the red flag was unfurled as a symbol of bloodshed, as church leaders and average law-abiders were slaughtered. And the hammer and sickle icon is red for the very same reason; workers’ tools are put to hand-to-hand combat. It goes back to people’s hatred of Christianity and their desire to destroy free kingdoms. The French Revolution, the Russian/Bolshevik Revolution, and the Sexual Revolution were all about that.
Good post. However, there is always room for improvement. You say these folks need help, but that is hardly unusual. There is no point in ridicule. We all need His help.
Before He died on the cross, Christ gave his apostles one final lesson. He washed their feet. His final lesson was one of humility.
“On seeing evildoers taken to the place of execution, he was wont to exclaim: “But for the grace of God there goes John Bradford.” A. Townsend, Collected Writings, 1848-1853″ — John Bradford, 1510-1555,
British Protestant Martyr
Because it is Good News, we teach the Good News. But we must always remind ourselves that we ourselves are not the authors of this Good News.
We must remember the debt we first owe God. We can also thank those who taught us His Word and a bit of history. Without His example and the example of informed disciples, we too might have voted in ignorance.
Dear Old Fashion Liberal,
What you call “ridicule” I call using the English language accurately. There are many “stupid” Americans as the video proves and in case you believe I have misused the term stupid, I have provided three defintions of stupid from the American Heritage Dictionary:
1. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.
2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.
3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care.
Now I invite you to go watch the video again and see if I have not accurately described those people. Now I may not have used a politically correct term, but it is nonetheless accurate. I notice you like to quote Scripture; might I invite you to open the Book of Proverbs and count how many times the word “fool” is used.
I leave you with the subtitle of my blog:
Bringing political and moral clarity into the fog of political correctness!
America has been dumbed down. That is the bottom line and today we are paying for it. As you well know, this Saturday is my Birthday. 22 November. I asked a 38 year old last week what happened on this day in American History. Couldn’t answe it. I will leave you readers to answer the question.
I had to look that one up myself, and I spend most of my free time studying history. I remember years many times better than I remember dates, except for July 4 and September 11. Actually, I’ve heard the date of the Kennedy assassination relatively few times, now that I think about it. I’m not nearly as old as Dino’s acquaintance, though.
Dino, I wasn’t quite born yet, and was in Canada when I was 😉 but isn’t Novemeber 22 the day Kennedy was assassinated? Carolyn