Read Palin’s Failin’ and then please return to this post:
This is as pathetic as anything I’ve seen Peggy Noonan write. I used to greatly admire her work; I still do her old stuff. Her biography on Reagan “When Character Was King†is her seminal work. However, from her and the rest of the northeastern conservative elites with their hidden resentment of us folks who drop their “g’s†when we talk is castigated not because we don’t like caviar or sip champagne, it’s because we don’t speak like adults in public.
It is the Peggy Noonan’s, Fred Barnes’, Bill Kristol’s, and the other Beltway to Big Apple Rockefeller Republicans that make guys like me think they only want our votes and not our voice. If the Republican Party does not go back to its roots and reform itself from within in the next four years, it will be in a state to where we will no longer recognize it.
Peggy Noonan’s failure to recognize Sarah Palin’s magnetism to grass roots conservatives shows that she has long lost touch to what made Reagan magic to the masses. When I listened to Ronald Reagan speak, I connected with him, long before he became president. He was my governor when I was a young boy and although I didn’t know it then, I connected with him even back then because he made me feel comfortable. So does Sarah Palin. Rarely has Peggy Noonan or Fred Barnes or Bill Kristol or Charles Krauthammer. Granted I do not know these people but I don’t feel a connection to them.
This is a symptom of a malaise within the conservative movement that in my estimation is more serious than most people have diagnosed. If it is not treated it will destroy the modern conservative movement.
Standby in the next coming days as I share what I believe are the necessary treatments.
I have noticed the same things you have. Yes, there still are a few of the east Coast moderates hanging around. Evan Kath Parker has seemed to have drunk to kool-aid recently. Let’s just humor them, while we continue to enjoy the “hecks” and the “aw, shucks” from Sarah.
As fer as I can see from the left coast, this here Palin is the the real deal. I am hopin’ and prayin’ that she and that white haired fellar get elected. I am figurin’ that them two is the only hope we’uns have in these here times. I may be from humble roots in Illinois, but I can’t help thinkin’ that those folks you mentioned have really lost touch with us common folks.
I think that they need to spend a little time down on the farm, over in the orchard pickin’ fruit, plowin’ a field or two, milkin’ cows, or sloppin’ the hogs to reconnect with us common folks. I think that there is about the only way for them folks to understand how we think and feel.
It is pretty simple, yet profound, Peggy. Faith, family, and Love for Country. Mix with that Integrity, common sense, honesty, love of the truth, and a firm understanding that we are personally responsible for our own lives, our own mistakes, and that we are the most industrious, hard working, ingenious, and productive people on the planet. We didn’t become a super power without God’s blessing and without a lot of hard work and ingenuity.
She just doesn’t get it.
God Bless,
Hi Dave- you said that Ronald Reagan made you feel comfortable, because he connected with you. That’s just it. Remember in the last election the question was asked, “Which candidate would you rather have over for a bbq dinner?” What the esteemed media- both conservative or liberal don’t seem to get, is that not only some of the candidates seem about as real as plastic to us “g” dropping fools, but so do those in the media. I know I have nothing in common ith about 99.9% of anyone in Washington, nor in the media, but then along comes someone like Sarah, who I think- well, now- here’s someone who is kinda’ like me. Her, I could see coming over for bbq and genuinely enjoying it. Noonan makes a comment about Sarah saying that “Obama palls around with terrorists”. Well Peggy, at least Sarah said something at all about Ayres. I have yet to hear much from anyone else about it. And for choosing the word “Pal” , I’d say in regular people speech- that is a pretty good discription. One more thought. I don’t see the letting go of Christopher Buckley from NR as anything than what it was. The man publically endorsed a guy who with every fiber of his being is opposed to everything conservative. GW has nothing to do with it. Obama is a communist plain and simple. This is not an attack against the Bush administration- it’s a plain truth against a man who has very questionable associations which are anti USA and anti anything good.
Oh well. Dave, good post as usual, but these people will never get it. They’ve been cooped up in their towers way too long, and have had too much of a barrier built to keep us simpletons away from them. God Bless you Dave.
You know me. I tell it like it is and do not care what people think. Here is the realt truth of the matter. Look at this close. When it comes to Palin, men are not as critical as women. Women eat her alive. WHY?? VANITY!!! Sarah is one of the people, can speak, is very pretty (key point), warm, and caring person. She is not the “Elite” as are most media women. Bottom line for Noonan’s Palin bashing is JEALOUSY Davo pure jealousy.
The Republican Party is in a state of catastrophe. It espouses limited government, rights of the unborn, and more, but when it comes down to limiting government or expanding it, the Republican Party is just as bad as the Democrat Party. I feel very betrayed by the Republican Party and by the conservative media because I feel we are being manipulated and downright deceived into thinking John McCain will buy us four more years. I wish someone could give me a cogent reason why I should believe Palin would improve a McCain administration, or tell me why McCain is supposedly the “lesser of two evils”. The conservative media has been very hypocritical over the last few months in not applying the same standard to Obama and McCain.
Perhaps what troubles me the most is the fact that relatively few Republicans have raised an outcry about Ron Paul’s treatment by the Republican Party, or over the many treasonous statements by McCain. It seems to me that many conservatives choose to support Palin because they want to fight back against the negative statements the liberal media puts up against her.