You all might remember the moment during the debates when John McCain told the story of the mother giving him her dead son’s bracelet and how Senator McCain eloquently and from a fond memory recited the story and the soldier’s name. And you may also remember Senator Obama’s fumbling and quite staged point of saying, “I have a soldier’s bracelet too.” It was fumbling because he didn’t have a teleprompter and actually had to look at the bracelet to figure out whose it was and it was staged because he no longer had permission to wear the bracelet that had been given to him by the mother. Quite the contrary, Senator Obama was told by the family of Sergeant Ryan David Jopek of Merrill, Wisconsin to not wear the bracelet any longer.
Now of course ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, and the Today Show are not going to cover this and this is why we have outlets such as NewsBusters to expose the lies and deceit that is Barack Obama. Make sure everyone who is voting for or considering voting for Barack Obama knows this. As a retired Army First Sergeant and a parent who lost his son in Iraq, my level of contempt and disgust of Barack Obama for the exploitation of a dead soldier and refusal to adhere to the wishes of a Gold Star Family defies words and knows no boundaries.
I loathe Barack Obama and no longer consider this man to be honorable. He is despicable and only a heartfelt and contrite confession and apology from the Senator will change my disgust for this man. He calls himself a Christian; let’s see if he is capable of displaying a Christian character and repent of this shameful conduct.
I’ll continue normal breathing patterns as I wait for his conversion.
When I read the article at Gateway Pundit, for a moment I thought I was going to actually faint. Odd for someone who prides themselves on being very much in control at all times no? After all, I survived NObama’s stutter when he tried to recall the name of the young man whose bracelet he wears during the debates. But this was something even beyond that.
This is what I prefaced the Gateway article with when I emailed my mailing lists:
“What a disgusting piece of trash. Obama has gone so low he disgraces the honor of a man who died giving his life so that Obama would be free to make choices, the choice of right and wrong. I hope the parents of this man rip that bracelet right off the #*&%)@’s wrist.
Those of us who wear them do so with love and sadness and pride and rememberance. The trash probably has no idea WHO Sgt. Ryan David Jopek even WAS.â€
I wear two bracelets…one for a young man I’d known since he was 14 years old, he was 26 when he was killed in Iraq. Matthew was an incredible shining star in the lives of everyone who knew him.
The other bracelet I wear is Eddie’s. Two shining stars who remind me always to never quit, never surrender and always do what is right regardless of the mountain in front of me.
Dave I was disgusted as I watched Omama fumble and stumble all over himself to try and “one up” McCain with the bracelet but I hadn’t heard until now that he no longer had permission to wear it. What a ?!! (sorry, I can’t even think of an apropriate word here.) on top of all the rest of a disgusting lies this man has told so far. I am so sick over the media’s love affair and complete propagandization of the whole Obamessiah. It’s really sad and frankly I see this as a mockery of what used to be a fair and good election process. God Bless you and other gold star families Dave. I can’t imagine how you all feel. Carolyn
I did not watch the debate, since I do not care to watch McCain or Obama, but this is indeed reprehensible. Few things must make you madder than disrespect for troops, Dave. I’m sorry Obama did that, although I am sure he is not sorry. I long to see a return in this nation to reverence for all things good, rather than political machinations and blame games, and deeds like what Obama just did . . .
The mother gave him the bracelet, not so he could use it as a political prop but so he would know her son’s name. So he uses it as a political prop and forgets her son’s name.
Great point Christina!
Dear David, I am having a problem which I hope you can help me with. I am so outraged by this, I do not believe I can write as nicely as you do. Another thing that makes me hesitant is that I do not want his parents to suffer anymore than they already are. While they may be divorced, I can tell his Dad still cares about how his ex-wife feels.
Should I write an article or not? I feel it would be wrong, but I do not know. Why do I feel it is wrong? She does not want it to be a public affair, and I don’t want to be a part of her pain. I know her son would not want that, either. Am I right? Thanks.