You notice the men Barack Obama calls friends? Reverends Jeremiah Wright and Michael Pfleger, Tony Rezco, and most disturbing, William Ayers are four men that a presidential wannabe probably should think twice about hanging out with.
There is a video that Senator Obama is trying to have pulled off the air, going so far as demanding that the Justice Department conduct a criminal investigation against the producers. I want you to watch this video and tell me what is criminal about it. So much for freedom of speech!
“Respectable” and “mainstream”–ha! The most recent thing I read which Obama’s statement reminds me of is when Dwight Eisenhower spoke to the Congress of Industrial Organizations in 1946 and praised the leftist labor group as honorable and deserving of accolades for helping America win WWII. But the reality of the CIO was that, being very pro-Stalin, it had staged strikes after Americans landed in France, because it wanted to slow down America’s progress and enable Stalin to take as much ground as he could, now that the Germans were losing.
It is really weird that Bill Ayers can have such a straight face in saying he should’ve been more violent. Demented.