Folks, we have got to stop McCain from picking Romney as his running mate. BizzyBlog has a great post explaining “The Case Against Mitt Romney: What He Did to Massachusetts.” Please go to this blog and spread it wide and far and contact the McCain campaign and warn them against selecting Romney.
Also read this article by Gregg Jackson titled, “Obama Considering Romney As V-P Choice: No, McCain Considering Romney As V-P Choice: The Former A Better Fit”
More about Romney from my earlier posts:
Romney is a Rogue
Make Believe Mitt
Quick View
I am grateful that Gregg Jackson and Dave are pushing against the prevailing tide of the Family Research Council, Hannity, Coulter, and Ingraham through speaking out about Romney. While many people still bemoan Romney’s defeat, believing it was from “prejudice against Mormons”, I think his dishonesty is the far bigger reason most are uneasy about him. (The media constantly tries to get us to feel guilty and think we’re prejudiced instead of concerned about character quality.) The media has such a sway on all of us that we start to believe we are stuck with choices like Giuliani, Romney, and Huckabee. If we go along with the prevailing tide, which would give us McCain and probably Romney or Huckabee as Republican nominee & VP, I believe we will have lost this nation. I’d see it differently if our legislative branch didn’t have its hands tied in so many ways, and was doing its job. Millions of Americans need to show up at the Republican convention and demand that McCain be replaced by an honest conservative.
Often, like Gregg Jackson wrote in the article about Romney, the conservative media is guilty of the same kind of fearmongering/deception that the liberals use. Both sides demonize each other beyond what is true, and the conservative media in general echoes “the lesser of two evils” maxim about McCain. I find it difficult to go against the tide of what is supposedly popular belief, when it is grossly pushed on us through the media. But even so, my conscience dictates otherwise, and I am encouraged that there are others who also oppose the prevailing tide.