I remember watching Hannity and Colmes last year when the Reverend Jeremiah Wright was a guest and Sean Hannity was trying to question the senior pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ. Reverend Wright asked Hannity if he had read any of Dr. James Cone and others books on black liberation theology and implied if Hannity had not then he could not really question the reverend.
I took the liberty of ordering three of Dr. Cone’s book and just finished reading Black Power and Black Theology and I’ve written a column about it at the New Media Journal. It is titled “Automatically Under Suspicion” and I would encourage you to send it to all the Obama mice.
Christian Activism, Christianity, Media, Obama, TheVanguard.Org
Wow, I don’t know you could stomach reading Dr. Cone or writing about it in such an objective way! At first it seemed ludicrous, and even laughable, to me that Rev. Wright would blanketly slander whites and then say he thanks Jesus “that He taught me to love the [h word] out of my enemies”. I’ll do my best to pass on your groundbreaking article, Dave! Now you can actually claim that you have READ Dr. Cone, if you ever need to strongly defend your position!
Thanks Christopher!
Dave, thank you for taking the time to read the books and give us such an insight to the thinking of Dr. Cone as well as Dr. Jeremiah Wright………and Barach Hussein Obama, better known as Oh, Bummer. I have passed your message on to all in my address book. May God Bless you for all your exhaustive work to “preach the gospel”.