I am very grateful to Frank Salvato for publishing my article at the New Media Journal on such a short notice.
Last night my good friend Mark Levin had me on his show and we discussed General Wesley Clark. I told Mark I was working on an article, actually it was only a concept at the time, and Mark said as soon as it was published he would link to on his website.
Well I dropped my article on Frank last night about 9:30 CST and true to his word Mark posted the link to his website.
Below is the interview between Mark and me. I am truly blessed and very grateful for such men who are generous with their time and resources.
Great article Dave. The thing that got me the most about this, is that Clark says this about McCain that McCain’s time as a POW in Vietnam doesn’t give him experience for the presidency I thought, “So, what, like Obama’s single term as an Illinois senator is enough experience?!” Even Michael thought it is rediculous- He would love it if McCain would pick G.W to be running mate!!! 😉 And another thing, wasn’t it Clark that was praising JF Kerry’s time in Nam, saying his time serving made him the perfect candidate? There is just so much stupidity about this, and even though Obama made a showing of slapping Clark’s wrist, he didn’t really do much to stem any more criticism coming from Clark- didn’t he say more today about it? I heard something, but not what he said this time. It is amazing to me that being in the military is a good thing when it serves a purpose for them to get what they want, but at time of war, those troops who are behind our commander in chief- they are left out to dry by these same goofs (I’m being polite here) God bLess you Dave- keep it coming! Carolyn
Hi, Dave,
I finally found the link at http://marklevinshow.com/section/notes-of-interest/ 🙂 . I must say I’m getting tired of the bickering between diehard Republicans and diehard Democrats. Both of Wesley Clark’s major statements mentioned in the article are wrong! “Obama is a man of character”, “McCain has no leadership experience”. (Although leadership experience and military experience don’t mean you have character.) It’s likely Clark is supporting Obama for his foreign policy. The most outrageous thing from many of those who oppose the war on terror (but certainly not from all), to me, is not that they question our foreign policy and want an accountable government. (After all, it is our duty to be wary and vigilant of our foreign policy and make sure it is conducted constitutionally.) It’s that they often show blatant neglect of the needs of our veterans, as if that is the way to get us out of the Middle East. I find it really childish myself. Well, Wesley Clark is just one more Obama fan for me to ignore.