Susan Sarandon may move to Italy if John McCain wins!
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😉 I wish! They need to stop teasing us like this. Last time, it was Alec Baldwin and Babs both promised they would leave the country if Bush won again- but they are still here, making their millions and blaming the president and America for all the greed and world problems. Love the post though Dave! Thanks for a chuckle today! God Bless and have a wonderful weekend~ Carolyn
Back in 2005 or 2006, a school teacher at my high school promised to move to Canada if Hillary wins! That boosted my esteem for him! 🙂
I honestly don’t hope for a perfect administration, for it has been years since we had an honest, constitutional, and patriotic administration. Even the Reagan administration was infested with Fabianists (socialists). So that nixes the whole 20th century and the early 21st century as far as that goes. This makes God’s grace very remarkable: it is God’s grace that, to date, we still have not devolved into a civil war with unstoppable bloodshed in the streets between liberals and conservatives, even though homeland terrorism has startlingly increased due to Marilyn Manson and Hollywood and others. The Holy Spirit simply is restraining such a national calamity for now, even as discontent grows over corruption in our government and judicial system. You see, millions don’t vote because they correctly see that they had no say in whom the two major parties select as candidates to favor with funding and media (honest candidates do not get equal treatment): Romney, Hillary, Obama, Huckabee, and McCain all started very early and were not strongly pushed into it by the AMERICAN PEOPLE. No, instead, people started hearing about them as potential candidates because of MEDIA, and THEN the American people believed those were the choices. Certainly that is not a republic! All of them were–and are–very ambitious in wanting to be President, and they received incredible media attention and favor. They did not decide to run because of Americans clamoring for them to run, but they would have us to believe it happened that way.
There is a higher tier than the media, too, called the Council on Foreign Relations, which all of these “front-runner” candidates have been involved in, and which has representatives from all major news media. The goal of the Council on Foreign Relations is to encourage cooperation with all of the countries of the world.
Walter Lippmann, who drafted Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen (Humanistic) Points and later urged Franklin Roosevelt to become a dictator, was an early member.
The Council on Foreign Relations is unconstitutional because the Constitution forbids anyone but Congress from creating foreign policy. The President can suggest a policy, but both houses of Congress must approve it through a very specific process. The Constitution makes no room for a CFR. The United States’s goal should not to cooperate with other countries’ policies, but that is exactly what the CFR and UN have extracted from our Presidents.
Sorry, it’s a bit off topic, but I just wanted to mention that the candidates the media says are “viable”, and the media, promote this “global” agenda, not the American people’s agenda. It is no coincidence that honest candidates who represent the American people, instead of a “global” agenda, including Ron Paul, Duncan Hunter, Alan Keyes, Chuck Baldwin, Tom Tancredo, and Fred Thompson, are those whom the media has disrespected and slighted. They suffered from poorer funding and the ridicule of the Republican Party, as well as the supposedly reliable FOX News’s prejudiced treatment.