I want to introduce all my Salt and Light readers to Erik Rush, a bold brother-in-Christ who lives out loud the “I will fear no evil” of Psalm 23. He is a fine man and has been taking on Jeremiah Wright before it was fashionable to do so.
Erik has written an excellent expository titled “Black Liberation Theology: The Enemy Within” on the New Media Journal. You’re going to want to read this and pass it on to everyone in your address book. And be sure to send it to all the Obama supporters you know.
I would love to hear Tim Russert or Bill O’Reilly for that matter (if Obama appears on his show) ask Obama is he adheres to Black Liberation Theology and if not, why did he sit under its teaching for twenty years.
I encourage you to drop by Erik’s website and sign up for his weekly bulletin. I’ve added Erik to our blog roll, so please give him a visit.
Wow Dave. I know this post is about Erik Rush’s article, and I will comment on that too- but your post in the Talon made me cry. I had no idea! I mean, I know there are so many who have lost loved ones, but I had no idea of what many of the widow(ers) go through. I have a friend who lost a young child a few years ago, this child was not yet 8. People are kind to her as well, but much like you described, people expect that since this happened over 5 years ago, she should not still be sad at times, but should just be happy in her memories. I would think that one would never get over a personal loss like this, and would not expet them too either. I have no idea what folks like Stephanie and your family have gone through- and I hope I would never presume to. I look back on comments made, and I feel bad if I’ve ever said anything that may be inappropriate. God Bless you all, and I do thank you so much.
Now, thank you for passing Erik Rush’s article along. I’ve read many of his articles and have been grateful for many of them as he has guts to tell it like it is. One thing that he touches on here, about the fact that true Christians understand that Jesus transcends all color- we are all a part of His body, no color, no social class. It is so true, and unfortunately so many seem to forget this. Another thing I thought of while reading this, is that whenever one reads anything about the African slaves in America’s history, many times these folks often sang spiritual songs which focused so much on the eternal promises of Jesus. Life was sometimes brutal for them, but they were also able to be happy in looking beyond this life into eternal life where Jesus would wipe every tear. I believe that many black Americans have things so much better than slaves did- and that they have now focused on what they have in this life now, because of the successes of people such as Barack, Oprah, Condi, Colin Powell, and so many others. There is really nothing, except maybe their own leaders and many liberals that are holding them back. They have taken their eyes and hopes off of Jesus and placed in in men like Wright, Jackson and Sharpton. No wonder those of the BLT are so angry. God Bless! Sorry this was so long!! 😉 Carolyn
THAT IS A VERY GOOD ARTICLE! I directed someone to it to show that Rev. Wright is not the same as John Hagee or Jerry Falwell, and that Obama is not a candidate you can trust!