I want to welcome the great blog BizzyBlog to my blogroll. Quite frankly, I’ve been meaning to add this site for a while now and my memory got jogged after I received an email from him relating to another subject. Welcome Aboard!
The video below is titled, “In 52 Sec Why Barack Obama Cannot Win A General Election.” I must tell you I do not share JCJCD’s optimism. I’m afraid too many Americans have drank the change Kool-Aid and will vote for Obama no matter what we find out about him.
This person is the most dangerous individual in America. He may live at 666 Destroy America Ave, Everywhere, USA
Only Satan could be this subtle in such a direct pronouncement………
WOW! It appears we have arrived to the point where we can elect the one candidate that would undo all that our previous Presidents have done to build this nation and ensure its freedom.
I am curious as to which “unproven” systems he refers to. I am also curious as to his plans for this nation after he “neuters” us and leads us down that road of acceptance for all and resistance to none path.
Well let me boldly state something as well Mr. Obama…I have opposed your candidacy from the very start, and now more than ever. I believe a vote for Obama is a surrender of the United States to other world powers.
I believe you to be very patriotic and very committed to your countries well being. My only question is this: Which Country? Your plan of action in service to this country is not in our best interest, so which country are you truly running for?
I seem to be having de ja vous listening to Obama. I don’t quite remember, but haven’t we gone down the “no nukes” road before? All this will get us is a way for others to attack us, knowing we won’t have a way to defend ourselves. Gotta love these folks who think there is no such thing as evil- and that we can make people like us by the “Let’s talk… Let’s have a diologue” crowd. Sorry, but I know evil exisits- and this man, if elected, will be inviting much more evil by his so called progressive talk. Frankly Dave- he scares me.
I have thought for a long time that if he gets in–if God does not do a miracle–then he will become Antichrist. Plenty of people have suggested many Antichrist “candidates”, but look at why Hitler was not and Obama could be: today, America is IT. There is no free nation with the power to stop evil once America further embraces it. Britain’s to the point where people get in legal trouble if they teach the negative things of Britain’s history. I think up to a ?quarter? of the population believes Churchill was a myth! Mosques are rapidly spreading throughout Britain. It’s in worse shape than I thought it would get.
Obama can make anything sound okay by the sheer tone of his voice. He could win over a contentious Congress and ultimately find an excuse for the libs in Congress to give him absolute power. He will want to destroy the whites of the formerly Christian West. These are natural conclusions, not wild fears.