This morning my latest article on the New Media Journal is out and it is titled “Recession-Proof Racket” and here is a small hint:
It’s about Planned Parenthoood.
Here’s my press release about my article.
Thanks for passing this on!
This morning my latest article on the New Media Journal is out and it is titled “Recession-Proof Racket” and here is a small hint:
It’s about Planned Parenthoood.
Here’s my press release about my article.
Thanks for passing this on!
Dave that was an excellent article. It makes me sick and sad at how much of people’s hard earned money goes to these murderers, and most if not about all,haven’t got a clue that their money is funding them. God Bless you and others for getting the knowlege out there. I pray it will finally stop. Carolyn
Bro. Dave,
I am a simple woman with simple thinking; however, I find it amazing that our politicians are calling for President Bush to boycott the opening ceremony of the Olympics in China due to the and I quote “anger over China’s human rights record, its grip on Tibet and support for Sudan despite years of bloodshed in Darfur.” However, we don’t hear the outrage and call for the rights of the unborn. I see the politicians do what politicians do. Pandoring to the left. We don’t want to upset the left! That would mean policitical suicide. But, what about the voices that don’t get heard? The voices we can’t hear? In about the 6th week of my pregnancy I got to hear my little babies heartbeat. I had not yet felt her move yet I knew then that she was real, that she was alive! God blessed me with that precious moment a moment I will never forget! I have contacted my congressmen and my elected officials; the response I get is that they received my message and that it would be considered. LOL! I will continue to persue my elected officials until my voice and the voice of millions of unborn children are heard. I thank you for all that you do in service to the Lord!
Thanks for the post and inspiring words. If all evangelicals would do what you have done we would change our country. That’s is my hope and dream; that God will move among His people, stir their hearts, and raise up a mighty and righteous Army for Jesus.
God bless you my sister,
In Christ
Ps. 37:4