With what little we know about Barack Obama, is it possible that he has communist leanings?
Now of course people are going to scream about this accusation, but before anyone becomes hysterical, I encourage you to read Paul Hollrah’s article on the New Media Journal titled “Red, White & Black?”
Hollrah’s writes: “…he [Obama] identifies simply as ‘Frank’ as being a decisive influence in helping him to find his present identity as an African-American…”
The more we learn of Obama’s mentors, the more we have reason to worry.
Notice this trend Davo. Ultimate goals of the left idologists and politicians is in fact to make this country a communitst society. I wrote the following with an attached story in an email to the cabal this morning. It goes hand in hand with what “Red, WHite, and Black” is all about
To all of Dave’s readers – I was once called a traitor in the 1980’s after I comment I made about what I percieved and still believe to be the real story behind the anti war movement of the 60’s. The movment of the 60’s not a bunch of college kids that wanted no part of the draft, country, war, or anything else to do with the letters USA; instead it was a Soviet FUNDED plan to subvert, infiltrate, and bring this down and replace it with communist ideologies. It was not a short term plan but a long term plan where they planted seeds, and watched it grow in the 70’s. 80’s, 90’s and morph intothe grip the left has over the country at this point in time. Yes, as sure as I was then about the Soviet plan, and I am sure that their endgame is being witnessed by us as each passes. Harvest time is here folks and the crops producesd the likes of John Kerry, Al Gore, Obama, both Clinton’s, Jeffords, Pelosi’s, Reid’s etc. Not democrats, but infact socialists. Question is, are we willing to see what is happening, accept it, address it and fight it?? I am.
Once again, below is an email that I sent out this morning with a totally different but yet very related story. Please follow the link to the article.
Hmmmm lets see is this a move designed to make it easier for the left to
turn this country commie after a Dem Pres gets elected? Is this
preparation for that day? Alan Loewenthal needs to be arrested for
subversion!! I am sick of the commies using our laws, courts and government to turn this country into something our soldiers are trying to prevent with their lives!!! . When will America WAKE UP!
I’m coming to the conclusion that illegal immigration, over-taxing, over-regulating, and over-dependence on other countries is deliberately set up to economically hurt the bourgeois, the middle class here. The middle class average Americans in the U.S. are the protesters of these problems, and the power-hungry moguls want to see the middle class hampered and eventually destroyed.
Check out the book LIBERAL FASCISM–it’s fascinating!