There is something you do not learn during Black History Month! According to Frances Rice, “It should come as no surprise that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican. In that era, almost all black Americans were Republicans. Why?”…read more.
I happened upon a wonderful website, The National Black Republican Association. They have a wealth of information there and I encourage you to visit their website.
Pass this on to all your liberal friends and family members and watch them turn apoplectic (look it up!).
MLK’s niece, Alveta is a wonderful, godly woman. We see her a few times a year. She speaks Truth.
Hi Dave- I’m glad you’re spreading the word about Francis Rice and the NBRA! I’ve read all about her and all the research they’ve done. Imagine the looks from liberal friends when they find out things like the KKK was created by democrats to “scare” off and attack republicans as much as black people! I am amazed at the lack of knowledge of so many people have about the republican heritage of civil rights activism! One only really need to go back to the late 50’s, early 60’s to see whom was for who. Or even look at folks like Robert (Sheets) Bird who is still a supporter of his KKK brothers! The only difference between the liberal claims to be for the black and poor, and the republicans- is that liberals use people of other colors when it suits their purpose, and republicans- at least the majority of Christian conservatives is that they (we) see everyone no matter race creed or station in life as children of God, made in His image- who deserve total equality (as in no affirmative action) and that each person is treated with dignity more when they are able to do for themselves instead of degraded by being indebted into servitude of government telling them how much they can have and when. Things like affirmative action are basially telling a person of olor that they aren’t good enough on their own merits to get into a good job or school. One only has to look at people like Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Ken Blackwell, Alan Keys, Janis Rogers Brown, Oprah Winfrey, even Barak and Michelle Obama and the thousands of black doctors, lawyers, CEO’s and other business folks. Three cheers for the National Black republican Association! God Bless them and you Dave- have a wonderful week! Carolyn