Where do I start?
Barack Obama says “Sermon on Mount Justifies Same-Sex Unions.”
I remember last July when Obama said that the Christian religion had been hijacked. I completely agreed with him but for different reasons I laid out in my New Media Journal article titled “Losing My Religion.” I’m not going to waste any space here rebutting this obvious heresy.
Here’s one thing I didn’t know until a few minutes ago…you ready for this? Hillary Clinton said last July that she had “felt the presence of the Holy Spirit, and I have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit on many occasions in my years on this earth.” As you read it her theology is typically “inclusive” although she does have a surprising and somewhat accurate description of the Bible.
Speaking of Hillary, all of you media dumdits need to put your shovels away and stop trying to bury Hillary alive. Rod Martin has an excellent post on his blog about Hillary’s resilience titled “So You Thought She Was Out, Did You?” Check it out; Rod Martin probably knows more about the Clintons than most folks; Rod was born in Hope, Arkansas!
Lot’s a VP speculation about who McCain will pick to run on the GOP ticket and as a Floridian I hope, hope it isn’t our Governor Charlie Crist. Odds on favorite for Hillary is Senator Evan Bayh from Indiana and many people are speculating it could be Obama; could be. One thing for sure, if Obama picks Hillary as his running mate he proves how naive he is. I, for one, would not want my last breath be the only thing between Hillary and the Oval Office! Nope, not me!!
Here’s a surprising news story: “Poll: McCain Not Attracting Evangelicals” I hope you didn’t spend any taxpayer money trying to figure that out! I’m sure many of the dumdits are shocked that evangelicals actually are not single-issue voters. Let me clear it up for you; real evangelicals have a litmus test, if you support a woman’s right to kill her baby, you’re through. If you pass that test, then we’ll look at the rest of you. Is that clear enough?
As for the loser who bombed the recruiting station at Times Square, you are to be loathed and pitied for your cowardice. Loathed because you abuse the freedoms that the very people who walk through those doors to defend freedom; pitied because in your pathetic little mind you probably believe you have done something righteous. How pathetic!
Okay, I’m done for now. Let me know what you think!
Just saying so, don’t make it so. The scriptures are so full of rebukes to Obama and Hillary that I dont’ know where to begin. So Obama thinks he’s a Christian? A devout Chrisitian? And believes that Jesus Sermon on the Mount justifies his belief that gays and lesbians should have the same rights as anyone else. And Hillary believes she has felt the Holy Spirit on many occasions? If so it was more than likely to convict her of sin and bring her to repentance and faith in Christ which she obviously hasn’t done. What Bible does she read? The Rodham version? What Jesus? The one they conjure up? Which sermon? The one that they need to twist to come to these revelations? Which mount? The one that’s so high that it deprives them of oxygen and makes them hallucinate? I would like to quote one on my Jesus’ warnings. “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord! have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then I will profess unto them, I never knew you; depart from me, ye that work iniquity. (Matthew 7: 21-23) They have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam, (2 Peter 2:15). I marvel at how much sin and rebellion God suffers every day. But this makes it clearer to me that when he does signal Jesus to go forth and destroy his enemies and make all flesh subject to himself, he will be perfectly justified in the means he uses to accomplish these things. And the world has been put on notice to repent or perish. Hillary, Obama, take note before you use God’s holy word to justify that which God abhors.
Lou Carricato
I saw those two articles- Obama’s comments first- I was unaware that there is such a thing as an “obscure” verse in the Bible. I would think a true Christian, that is a Bible believing christian would be just that- Bible believing. It is clear that Barak and many other liberal christians do notbelieve that the WHole Bible is God breathed and inerrant. If someone like me who is still stumbing and sinning can figure out that for someone to understand the Bible- you MUST read the whole Bible and compare verses on any given topic, then you will find the answers God has given us. So many who want to twist and conform the Word with what they want- as in abortion or gay marriage always seem to forget or ignore these”obscure” verses then pick which loving and accepting sayings of Jesus,when there is so many more verses that support each other. Jesus quoted scripture often as He knows Who the Author is . People who lean on only the words of love that Jesus spoke are missing out on many important and eternal truths And chance of leading others down a wrong path. As for Hill, I just read that one a few minutes ago, and even though I don’t know her heart- I have to agree with Lou when he says that If Hill had really felt the Holy Spirit- she woud be convicted not only of her sin- but also that Jesus IS THE ONLY WAY! She says she believes in His resurrection, but I have to say with her (and many others) all inclusive belief that heaven will be a place for everyone- believers or not- WHY DID JESUS HAVE TO GO TO THE CROSS? If everyone can get to heaven, there would be no reason for Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. The words He spoke when He says He is the way, the Truth and the Life, and that no one comes to the Father except by Him would be a meaningless statement and a lie. That’s the problem with the liberal christian- they want everything both ways- they want to be a follower of something bigger, claim to follow Jesus when it’s convenient for them- but disregard anything in His Word that they disagree with.
Last point- it amazes me about that same old double standard. If a republican saidsomething like Hill did, theyd be ripped to shreds over it, but Hill and Obama are liberal so that’s OK!
AS for the bombing at the recruitment office, may I suggest looking hard at Pode Pink or one of the so called peace groups? They are all against violence- except when it serves their purpose- kind of like liberal politicians :-0 God Bless you Dave- Carolyn
Well, actually, I was born at the U.S. Air Force hospital in Wiesbaden, Germany. But I did grow up in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, which is just a few miles from both Hope and Hot Springs.
How small human mind is becoming, losing what what potential it might achieve through Gods gifts.
Talking with a number of seminaries, Brothers and Priests, I have come to understand and accept that God is mostly about love and forgiveness.
But why not mix politics and religion to make your CAUSE all the more stronger. Is that not the human thing to do. Doesn’t it make you all the more righteous?
Religion has become mankinds tool to control the peoples spirituality. Real religion should just be a focus for people sharing spirituality (when they share the same religious beliefs).
Go ahead and condemn everyone not following your exact principles. I’m sure its what YOUR God would want you to do. By the way, I don’t condone abortion however in some situations to save a mother the alternative has to be considered. As for same sex relationships – I see more love from these people then in some Christian and Non Christian heterosexual relationships.
I’ve seen how a Uniting Church community turned their backs on a married couple who were having a rough relationship. Some sort of Christians hey?
Its the fanatics of all the religions and governments around the world who are stuffing up the world. Keep on pushing those who would find the path to God away from spirituality and towards human sins such as greed and fear!
Thank you for your response. I would recommend that along with your Brothers and Priests from seminaries that you also consult God’s Word, the Bible.
You are right that God is a God of love and forgiveness; He is also a God of justice.
I noticed that you did not address anything I said in the light of Scripture. That is what I used to make my comments; Scripture.
As for mixing politics and religion; they indeed do mix and it is on what this country was founded. May I recommend the website http://www.wallbuilders.com for information about this.
Also, if you email me your address, I would be glad to send you a free, personalized copy of my book “Understanding Evangelicals: A Guide to Jesusland” where I address the subject of politics and religion and many of the hot button issues.
I would say as far as pushing people away from God, in John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man comes to the Father except by Me.” He also said wide is the gate that leads to destruction but narrow is the gate that leads to eternal life. This is all from the Bible.
Thanks for posting and if you’d like a copy of my book just email me: jeffers221@bellsouth.net