Well, did you get that special Valentines Day gift? Did it cost you a lot? Do you ever wonder why the hoopla about Valentines Day?

The history of Valentines Day is actually very interesting and ancient, and contrary to popular myth, it was not invented by Hallmark.

There is a neat website called Birth Verse where you can look up the Bible verse selected for your birthday.

The verse for today is Titus 2:14: “who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.”

The Apostle Paul was writing to Pastor Titus and explaining to him why it is important to live a godly life and how grace teaches us.

I pray God’s grace continues to instruct each of you who belong to Christ. If you do not, then why not search the real meaning behind the signs at the sporting events, John 3:16? Now that is true love!
