So far the last posting is bring some well-thought out comments.
I need all of you to do me a personal favor; I want all of you to buy a book by Buzz Patterson. It is titled, War Crimes: The Left’s Campaign to Destroy Our Military and Lose the War on Terror.
First of all, Buzz used part of Eddie’s letter Hope Rides Alone, but more importantly, Buzz outlines how the Left is doing everything in its power to make sure we lose the war on terror. I cannot personally allow that too happen; it cost my family too much.
If anyone actually thinks that teaching the GOP a lesson and letting the Dems takeover the White House is a good idea, you need to read this book and then get back to me.
Buy a copy for yourself and if you have a teen going off to college definitely give him or her a copy for his or her dorm room desk. Buzz’ chapter on America’s universities by itself is worth the cost of the book.
There is more at stake than I fear people actually realize.
Done! I look forward to reading the book!!!!!!!!!
Will do brother
In a way I agree. That’s what happened in 92 with Ross Perots third party. It diverted votes away that might have gone otherwise to the Republican nominee. And in a sense it’s no different from trying to teach the GOP a lesson in favor for someone else to garner the majority of the votes. Then again I believe that God willed it. Just because it’s not the one we thought it should be who knows if he would have fit into God’s plan. But it makes a dilemma when none of the nominees is pro-life either. Unless you really have no one else to vote for even so it might be the candidate with a weaker chance. Let’s see if I manage to get my citizenship in time enough that I’m ellegable to vote as well. And as far as I know, what I’ve seen on a table who is for what and not, Huckabee has been shown as a pro-lifer.
If Fred Thompson thought John McCain would be a good president for the United States of America he would have never entered the race. He made that personal sacrifice because none of the candidates were acceptable to him, acceptable to us. The acknowledgement that President Clinton and President Obama would be a disaster does not make an endorsement for John McCain. Nor does the acknowledgement that John McCain is the lesser of the evils make it an endorsement.
As for falling in line because of what Fred does or says: This was always about principle and truth not a man or personality. Fred is his own man. I am my own man. You are your own man. The truth remains the same and I choose to follow the truth.
Fred having a high profile in the Federal Government would do much to console me. A promise of this could be enough to win my vote in this year of no good choices.