If anyone doubts that the ACLU has a leftist, anarchist agenda to unravel the very fabric of our union, then take a gander at this article on Yahoo News!
ACLU: Sex in Restroom Stalls Is Private
Let’s see if we can understand this pretzel logic, shall we?
Because “a Minnesota Supreme Court ruling 38 years ago that found that people who have sex in closed stalls in public restrooms ‘have a reasonable expectation of privacy”, the ACLU writes that this “means the state cannot prove Craig was inviting an undercover officer to have sex in public.”
My only other question is will Senator Craig distances himself from this support?
If I had not just met my new conservative Christian friend Gary Gross from Minnesota I would say there was no hope for that state.
I wonder how hard the aclu would defend my right to go into mens restrooms with my young son- to keep him away from people having private relations in public places- or to keep him away from being molested as has happened so much. I doubt they would be too willing to take up a case like that. The aclu makes me sick- but what’s worse is that they are awarded many millions every year for really disturbing cases they do win. God Bless you Dave.
Carolyn, I can totally relate! When my husband isn’t with us and my boys have to go to the bathroom, I always make them go in the bathroom with me. They hate it, but I don’t want to take a chance. I agree, the ACLU is sickening.
Dave, I just did a post on you and Eddie.. Just an F.Y.I.