One of the reasons I’m being told, from respondents and columnists, we need to not focus on the Obama birth certificate issue is because it is taking focus off of our fighting Obama’s policies. Also it seems as though some of our brightest in conservative circles are falling for the White House talking points.
Here’s an exchange between a respondent to my “Oh Oh Oh O’Reilly” post and me:
Respondent: How do you explain the newspaper birth announcement?
Me: A parent or grandparent can place a newspaper ad; it doesn’t take a long form birth certificate to accomplish that.
Respondent: OK, but was this a conspiracy 49 years ago, knowing he would be president? Hawaii health department says the originals were destroyed when they switched to a new system. Better to focus on Obama’s policies at this point because this isn’t going anywhere. and his approval ratings are falling.
Me: Hawaii did not say that; CNN said that. Hawaii has refuted CNN’s claim:
State declares Obama birth certificate real
Why is it that many think we cannot do both? We can fight his policies and still demand to see his long form birth certificate. It is really not that difficult. I spent 22 years in the Army we multi-tasked all the time.
I took an oath to support and defend the US Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. My allegiance is to the Constitution and until he provides the long form birth certificate his eligibility under Article II Sec. 1 is under question.
Sir, it is our Constitution that is at stake. I gave 22 years of my life defending it and my son gave his life in Iraq doing the same.
This is not some mere inconvenience or conspiracy; it is principle.
I do not for one minute believe that the parents and/or grandparents got him a certification of birth from Hawaii so he could become President; it was simply so he could have citizenship. It really is not that complicated.
Respondent: Your link says state officials confirm and that the head guy saw the original birth certificate. I appreciate your passion but don’t think this is going anywhere.
Me: Here’s another excerpt: “I am not aware of any birth certificate records that have been destroyed by the department,” Janice Okubo, public information officer for the Hawaii DOH, told WND. “When the department went electronic in 2001, vital records, whether in paper form or any other form, [were] maintained. We don’t destroy records.” (Source: CNN wrong once again – birth record not destroyed)
Sir, many of the Loyalists did not believe our American Revolution was going anywhere. This is not a passion of mine. NASCAR is a passion; history is a passion. This is principle.
If my son were still alive I believe he would no doubt write an article about this the same way he did about the Iraqi War. Please read it slowly; let it sink in
I’ve attached his picture so you can put a face to the writing.
I greatly appreciate your time; I know you are a busy man.
I am personally fully-involved in the health care reform fight with Congress as are many of my fellow “birthers” (insert haughty sniff here), just as we were in the cap and trade and bank and auto industry bailouts. Somehow us conspiracy theorists are willing to give whatever extra resources, both time and money, to fight all the battles in the war.
But I tell you what more educated conservative leaders…here’s a deal I’ll be willing to make with you.
Print out a copy of the US Constitution and get you a highlighter. Go to Article II, Section I, Paragraph 4 and please hightlight:
No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States
After you highlight that section, please go through the entire US Constitution and highlight the remaining parts of it that I should not waste my time supporting and defending against all enemies foreign and domestic.
Once you accomplish that you can email it to me or send it to:
David Jeffers
6563 Hartland St
Navarre, FL 32566
Oh, and feel free to send it C.O.D. I’ll be glad to cover the shipping costs.
Until then…
I want to see the long form birth certificate!
© 2009
Birth Certificate, Christian Activism, Conservatism, Constitution, Corruption, Culture, Democrats, election, History, Judiciary, Media, Military, Morality, Obama, Patriotism, Politics, Republicans, RINOs, SGT Eddie Jeffers
What is so hard about focusing on more than one thing at a time?! I have ADHD and am still able to e mail and call, keep 4 blogs, write for another blog, read the news, – as well as do my duties as home maker, home school mom, wife, daughter in law- which encompasses about a thousand things a day!
What is the problem people?! I am not even a citizen yet- do you say I care about the Constitution more than any of you?! Have any of you people actually READ the documents?! Does it matter at all to you people that there was such a big stink over McCain’s elegibility because he was born in Panama?! At least his parents were there for a reason! But obamessiah is off limits?!
Please tell me you care about your founding, history, present and future more than you are showing! Tell me you care more for your children and grand children more than you are showing! Tell me that you care about not wanting to see someone who may not even be legally suited running this country DOWN! EVERYTHING from his apology world tour, to his taking over the banking and auto industry, the rediculous cap and tax.. trade, his anti biblical abortion policies, socialized medicine (DON”T get me started on that! I came from Canada, so I KNOW what socialized medicine is doing to the people!!!) Everything this man is doing- all of his marxist programs that they are shoving down our throats is important yes, but the worst thing to me, would that the CITIZENS IGNORE this issue of his birth place.
He could very well BE a citizen, but we don’t know that do we. He is paying lawyers to keep all his records sealed!! And if he is NOT a citizen- He needs to be REMOVED from the office of the Presidency NOW! Then maybe we can reverse some of the damage he’s already done.
Don’t tell me it doesn’t matter!
Don’t tell me that there are more important issues! I KNOW there are! Anyone with a mind of their own is completely capable of doing more than ONE THING AT A TIME!!!
I have said it before, and I will say it again and again until obama releases his-
I MUST Find my own birth certificate if I am ever going to become a citizen, if I am ever going to re apply for visa, or more importantly- to visit my parents and family in Canada (Now that we must have passports! Thank you terrorrists for that) whom I have NOT SEEN IN 10 YEARS!
It is a lot simpler for obama if he is a citizen of the United States to get his birth certificate than it is for those of us from another country to get ours.
(sorry Dave, I hope you don’t mind my yelling at your readers or anyone else. I am just so tired of feeling like I love this country more than a bunch of over paid, over exposed talking heads whom we thought were on OUR SIDE!)
God Bless~
Good responses, Dave. I don’t mind the crticicism and belittling from those on the Left; that is to be expected. What hurts is the barbs from fellow conservatives, even well knowns like Mark Levin and Michael Medved, when they castigate those of us who persist in pursuing this issue.
I believe that I am like most who want this issue settled through the release of his records. I am no more convinced that Obama was NOT born in Hawaii than I am that he was. That, however, is not the only issue at hand. For example, did he attend Occidental College as a foreign student? If he did, he either committed fraud or had actually renounced his citizenship, which would have the same implications as having been born outside of the U.S. Also how, as an American citizen, did he travel to Pakistan during the time when Americans were prohibited from doing so?
The pitifully weak argument that this whole issue is not sufficiently important to pursue was answered very succinctly in your article, when you asked what other parts of the U.S. Constitution should we ignore? Either you follow the whole Constitution, or you do not abide by any of it. There is no picking and choosing. Those who insist that this issue be dropped are either lazy or they are inconsistent in their arguments in the upholding of our Constitution..
Jack Ott
Last I read, there are 4 billboard companies, including CBS and Lamar, that won’t let World Net Daily pay for billboards that say “WHERE’S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?”. The media really is one entity, and when it wants to make someone look good, like FDR or Obama, it doesn’t talk about, or at least dwell on, anything negative like FDR’s Leninist views or affairs, or Obama’s prolonged drug abuse or infatuation with Saul Alinsky, a Satan-worshipper. With Bush, in the 2004 election, I think it was CNN that fabricated a story to smear him and tried to whitewash Kerry.
It’s hard to understand why a series of policies designed to destroy the American middle class, like the Bush and Obama administrations’ efforts to grant amnesty to all illegal immigrants from Mexico, or “ObamaCare”, can be considered unintended “mistakes” by a lot of people, including some I know. Who is Joe Biden fooling when he says they didn’t know how bad the economy was when they did their stimulus package? I really think a lot of people STILL think Obama’s doing his best and that the people who are ruining our nation all want the best for America, such as Chairman Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Geithner, who are bankrupting our currency, and Geithner’s mentor Kissinger (who called our troops, according to Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, “dumb, stupid animals”). It would probably take one of them, or all of them, openly saying, on television, how they feel about America’s sovereignty and people before the bulk of our country got the message. Of all the nerve, for the Obamas to be ashamed of America rather openly during campaigning, and then for Obama to sound more patriotic as President in saying “God bless the United States of America”! His choice of Sotomayor alone should tell every single person out there the kind of person Obama is. But the news media just says it’s a monumental event getting to vote on a Latino; that’s what we were told about electing Obama!
I doubt that if the birth certificate issue boots Obama out of office, we’d be in any better shape with Biden replacing him, but we’d have honored God by honoring our Constitution.
I have some questions here:
Don’t you think that, based on the summary form, Obama’s likely place of birth is the state of Hawaii? You are right to point out that the full certificate will have more information, and I would be very interested to see the full certificate, but don’t you risk being set up as a straw man in the media as a “birth-place” denier if the full certificate says the same thing as the short form, namely that he was born in Hawaii?
Secondly, doesn’t it make sense that the state is resistant (regardless of Barak being President) to release a full birth certificate to someone other than the individual or a parent because of the possibilities of fraud? I don’t think it’s reasonable to assume a cover up because Hawaii won’t hand over the full record. I think if you want to see the full record, this will likely have to come from Obama himself (or maybe from his family). Admittedly, I don’t think identity theives would attempt to pose as Obama, but I know that in California getting my own child’s certificate (newborn) required an in-person visit to the registrar with proof of my own identity.
That being said, why would Obama agree to release the long form? There is no benefit to him in doing so, even in the case he was born in Hawaii. I agree that Obama’s family history is definitely weird, to put it mildly. But children don’t get to choose where they live, go to school, or who their parents are, or who adopts them, or who ends up taking care of them (grandma!) when the parents flake out. To the extent that the certificate might contradict something he said previously, that is even more reason not to release it.