I wanted to share a letter with all of you from a dear brother in Christ from up in Canada. Adam Boggs was the very first respondent to Eddie’s article “Hope Rides Alone.” Some over 700 people later the Hope Family was formed and is still growing. Adam thought that what he wrote me might seem crazy, but I told him it is an inspiring tribute to Eddie. I am publishing it here with his permission:
I have to admit, your son and your family have been on my mind a great deal over the last couple of days (since you sent me the email regarding his passing). I’m not sure why I’m writting this particular email, other then I feel compelled to. Part of me says that you may not want to think about it, and part of me says different. Either way I’m trying very hard to follow the thoughts that compell me and trust that God is guiding me.
Through other activities that I’m involved in I have already developed a distain for the couch potato that represents the North American Man. I feel that the attitude of today’s Man is to protect thy self, and thy home, and because of this attitude our society (I am including Canada in this) is deteriorating at it’s current rate.
We need more men like Eddie who recognize that if you just protect your home when the enemy comes, it will be a short fight. We need more men like Eddie who are willing to put down petty differences with their neighbor and stand together to fight a common cause.
The more I think of your son and his sacrifice, the more I am driven to do my part in ensuring that his sacrifice was not wasted on a society that doesn’t remember or care what a gift FREEDOM is. I feel FREEDOM is something that we will continually have to fight for. Men of today don’t remember the last sacrifice that was made for our freedom, and therefore have the opinion that it is a Right instead of a Gift. How different would it be if the people of the USA (and Canada) stood as ONE, and fought for their FREEDOM together. How different would it be if our society wasn’t full of couch potatos that counted on other men to fight/sacrifice for their FREEDOM. What if…..
Maybe you think I’m crazy. Maybe I’m unable to write what I’m truly thinking.
I guess I just want you to know that Eddie’s sacrifice has made a difference in my life. That I feel the freedom that men like Eddie have provided for me and my family (Canada stands behind it’s big brother) is a gift and is treated as such.
Like I said, maybe you think I’m crazy (and I take no offense if you do). I just have this dream that if some men stand up, we can create a ripple effect of men standing up (off the couch) and doing something with the gift of FREEDOM that we are so fortunate to have. I don’t think Eddie’s sacrifice was so I can go to work tomorrow and catch the latest reality show in the evening, but so I can have the freedom to truly DO something.
Sorry for the length of the email, but like I said it’s been on my mind.
God Bless, you and your family.
You are right on!! That is why I wrote the poem posted on this site after Eddie’s passing.
I agree. Next step, what should we do? How can honor Eddie by doing something to fight, perserve, and promote the freedom he died for? What is the best way?
I have ideas, but there may be ways we can simply commit to existing causes that do exactly that, perserve freedom.
What are you thoughts? Does anybody have ideas or something we can do to get us all off the couch??
Ready to go,
Cliff Jones
Cliff and Adam,
My tribute artice to Eddie, “Hope Rides Eternal,” addresses many of Adam’s concerns and although I do not go into detail, it is a call to arms on behalf of Eddie, our military, and our country. While the article is general, I will be posting here in the coming days and months to mobilize the masses through a number of organizations I’m involved with that will allow us to actively, purposely, and successfully counter the enemy within. Please check out the New Media Journal on Monday morning. Frank will be releasing my article then to give it maximum exposure.
Hi Dave- Adam- that was amazing, and I agree whole heartedly! I too am from Canada, although have been living in the USA for the past 16 years- so I know the attitudes of both countries, and I am pretty disgusted. I have no idea what a mom like me can do other than the bit I try to do now- but I have a few ideas brewing. Dave- I have given the articles that Eddie wrote, and the tribute from Frank to my dear Mother in law- she promised she’d read them. I told her that I didn’t want to fight or argue the same talking points, but told her there are serious voices like Eddie’s that deserve to be heard! I also posted the tribute (I hope Mr. Salvo doesn’t mind) on my News from the Front Lines journal. I want everyone to read Eddie’s words. God Bless~ Carolyn
Author John Eldridge in his book “Wild at Heart” says that every man is truely alive when they have an “Adventure to live, a battle to fight, and a beauty to save”. I think this is a truth that has been forgotten. The North American Man no longer lives an adventure, they no longer stand for anything, and many would read “a beauty to save” and wouldn’t think of their wife. Men of today are living their life through the t.v., instead of letting their heart come alive in something that truely matters. Two men that I know have just published a book that has compelled 10s of thousands of men in this country to begin stepping up. I appologize Carolyn for focusing on men in the above statements, but I’m certainly not excluding the ladies or in anyway saying that women of today don’t have a role to play.
What if when the children of tomorrow get asked to describe their hero, they describe their parents. What if when a teacher asks a student to do something they respond with respect. What if the youth of tomorrow appologize when bumping into eachother, or an elder instead of lashing out. What if we taught the children of tomorrow HOW to think, instead of what to think. Isn’t that what this country was founded on. Free men that made the right decisions because they were the right decisions.
Again I appologize for being long winded or a little over the top, but I’m really passionate about where our society is going. No one person can turn it around, but no one can stop a TEAM of people. Like every revolution, the numbers at the begining are small. However, as results start to show, and momentum begins to build, the numbers start to swell. Until eventually victory is had – I believe that’s how you defeated the British…
Anyways, the question was asked “What can we do”. As parents we can focus more on being parents. Help our children navigate their way through all the information that is out there, and assist them in finding the truths. The next generation will decide the fate of a country that proud men and women fought to free. If they aren’t reminded of what previous generations went through, and taught the morals, integrity, character, and ideals that this country was founded on I fear that what historians have said will come true. That the only way this country will be defeated is if we kill ourselves. Who else will stand and make a difference. The opportunity is on our watch.
God Bless – Adam
Wow, that was great. You have tapped into a topic that I am particularly involved with and I get real excited about. And that is, what does it mean to be a “man”? Many have asked, and the role models on TV and in our society are mostly jerks, idots, criminal, rappers, players and playboys. But they are not real authentic noble men. Our society is working hard at feminizing the men of America, but there are still “Real Noble Men” in this country. Guys we can look up to as role models and are transparent examples of what it really means to be a man. Guys like Eddie, Sgt. Tony Johnston, Coach Dungy, General Pertraeous and the list goes on, if you look closely.
I have just begun a 24-week program entitled “The Quest for Authentic Manhood.” It is put together by a ministry called Men’s Fraternity out of Little Rock Arkansas. Robert Lewis started this thing 17-years ago and it is dynamic. I have been to Promise Keepers, and a myriad of other Men things, but I really believe that this guy has a systematic way to help guys really understand and grow into authentic manhood. He also wrote a book called “Raising a Modern Day Knight”.
Eddie and Tony have lived and are living true authentic manhood. The military is at least one place that has not been feminized totally. It is where a lot of men learn discipline, core values, and integrity. It has downsides, but I believe they are minimal. Overall, the military teaches the right, good, and helpful principles.
God Bless you and many other men in the quest for authentic manhood.