Hat tip to Felicia Benamon for this…
I normally, as a practice, in fact I cannot remember the last time I watched MSNBC for the news. I loathe Chris Matthews, the English language, outside of vile profanity, lacks an apt description for my feelings about Keith Olbermann, and I’m just now beginning to build a disdain for Rachel Maddow. But I might need to reconsider my feelings for the latter. Ms. Maddow might actual have some redeeming values.
Constitution, Corruption, Culture, Democrats, election, History, Judiciary, Media, Morality, Obama, Patriotism, Politics, Terrorism, war on terror
Dave, it must be harder for you than even the rest of us concerned citizens to see how Obama is misusing the terror threat, because your son sacrificed his life for the opposite ideals. I didn’t think MSNBC would ever give a decent criticism of Obama. It’s hard to listen to such hypocrisy as that which comes out of Obama. I can’t imagine watching all these bad changes unfold without God as my stability . . .
One aspect of Obama’s new “Ad hoc” legal justification for “preventive detention” is that it could easily be applied to his domestic opposition as well as to terrorists captured on the battlefield. All that would be necessary would be to allege that someone’s words or actions pose a serious threat to the American people, and they could be held indefinitely. Police State, here we come. Better watch what you write, David.
Meanwhile, Maddow’s comments about supposed crimes committed by Bush/Cheney did not win her any points with me. She remains as much of the Looney Tune crowd as her other cohorts at MSNBC.
Thanks Christopher for your kind and thoughtful words. Part of me is glad that Eddie is not alive to see what is happened to his beloved America. I promise you this was not what he died for.
Jack, you comments are spot on and indeed Maddow’s comments about Bush/Cheney are liberal, but at least we have one from the Looney Tune crowd pointing out Obama’s abuses.